Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Its a Girl

"Do you want to know what your having [...] Its a GIRL. Congratulations!!"

Congratulations?? Are you serious? You just told me its a girl lol. Let's try this again. Rewind, and tell me I'm having a BOY. A little prince. A little Simba who can carry on my name and my father's name. Not a sweet, innocent girl. Another pretty (God-willing) little thing for the next generation to prey on in attempts to corrupt her. Where's my shotgun??

Those were the EXACT thoughts I had running through my mind when they told us we were having a girl. Every man wants a boy that can play fight with, play sports with, play video games with. Every man wants a son through which they can relive the youth through. I was looking forward to buying all the toys I secretly wanted to buy for myself.

Then hit me - Mommy's Boy, Daddy's Girl.

Now I can't wait to have a little princess I can spoil, I can doll up, I can protect. I can't wait to teach to a little girl how a man is supposed to treat her, and to wait patiently for that man because God will deliver.

I can wait, however, for that first day she comes home crying because a boy broke her heart and to tell her that their will be three men her life that are worth tears - God, me, and her husband, and that none of us will cause tears. I can wait for the day when she's crying because a male told her she's not as good as them because she's a female, and I have to tell her that I only raise princesses who become queens, and that its the queens who runs society so be strong and prepare to take her thrown.

And don't tell her mom, but I kinda can't wait for that first day a boy tries to take her out, and I get to play Marcus Burnett and my cousin or bro plays Mike Lowrey and we get to scare the shit out of him.