Christmas time for us is always a big deal. Because both my parents and Alyssa’s parents
are separated, the girls get 4 Christmas!
Its always funny to me to see how excited they are with the first couple
of Christmases that they enjoy, and its always funny to see how by the 3rd
and 4th Christmas celebration they get tired of opening all of the
Our Christmas started with an impromptu photo shoot at Harry Myers Park in Rockwall, TX. 3 kids on teachers' salary, with 2 kids in day-care will really limit your finances, so we have made it a tradition to give out pictures of the girls for Christmas presents. The video below is a slideshow of the photo shoot:
We also have a tradition, starting with the first Christmas that Alyssa and I spent together, of making a Gingerbread house. The video below is us putting together our Gingerbread house:
We also have a tradition of spending the night at my dad's house Christmas Eve and opening presents there. The girls know that Santa can find us there, and we even set out cookies and reindeer food the night before. The video below is us waking up Christmas morning and opening up our gifts:
And finally, Aunt Sissy brought the game 'Pie in the Face' to our Christmas Eve Party. Below is the video of us playing!
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